Gregory E. Ginter

Welcome to the ePortfolio of Greg Ginter.

Professional Training and Development

While working for VF Corporation, Mr. Ginter was being groomed for a Leadership position. As such, he has participated in several Leadership oriented workshops. Mr. Ginter also has taken courses on Microsoft Windows Server NT and IBM OS/2 Warp Server.

Mr. Ginter also participated in a MCSE Boot Camp but never presented for the MCSE exams.

While working for Northrop Grumman IT (NGIT), Mr. Ginter was liason between NGIT and the managers at the United States Postal Service.

At his former position with Computer Sciences Corp (CSC), Mr. Ginter was afforded many opportunites to hone his Project Management skills. He was also given the opportunity to create Rough Orders of Magnitudes (ROM's).